After many years, I have decided to offer Clink for sale on
Etsy. He has been one of my favorite sculptures, and has watched from a shelf in the shop as I have spent hundreds of hours ( maybe thousands) making and designing strange and dark creatures of all varieties. I will be sad to see Clink go, but hope he finds a new home where he will be enjoyed by a new owner.
Clink is a very ancient and rare animal, belonging to a captive species that is solely responsible for the upkeep and maintanence of The Machine. With tiny nimble fingers and toes, he is well suited to the detailed work necessary of machining and replacing the brass cogs, gears, springs,and chains that keep The Machine operating. Always the pragmatist, Clink has removed his own leathery wings by gnawing them to the bone...they only got in his way anyhow. He has fashioned himself a metal suit as protection against the whirring and spinning mechanisms, and has implanted a magnification monacular device in his eye to help with the detailed work that is his forte. The Master Elder, having given repeated warnings against his miscievous behaviours, escape attempts, and tendency to bite anything that comes in his way, has permanently fitted Clink with a leg shackle. This hardly slows Clink down, for he has a very strong will and is determined to eventually wreak havok on The Machine that has held his race captive for so very long.