Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't forget to smile...

Putting the final touches on my display for tonight's RAW showcase. After I cleared the bench this guy remains unfinished in a very preliminary state but served as a useful reminder to myself....Don't forget to smile tonight even though the thought of being out of my shop, dressed up, and mingling with people freaks me out more than the creepy things that inhabit the dark corners of my mind.

deep breaths, calming thoughts ( and perhaps a nap in the hammock this afternoon).


  1. He's awesome Dave! And different from what you've done in the past (2012 is the year of making new kinds of monsters for all of us, apparently).

    Can't wait to hear about the show!

  2. I agree with GF - this face has all the makings of an evolution in style.

    Hope the calming breaths worked for you and you had a great time at the show!

    Bonnie(aka RoxyBlue)

  3. Thanks Roxy and GF. I'm not really sure where this little beastie is coming from or where it is going...should be a fun ride though1
