I just finished painting an ancient skull. It is a 2 part urethane skull that I pulled from a mold of an
ACC Bucky skull. Painting was done with a combination of acrylics and powdered wood stain pigments.
First, I sanded the skull to to get rid of any unsightly imperfections and also to expose a bit of the texture beneath the outer skin.

Then I coated the skull with a mixture of drywall compound and Sculpt or Coat. This sealed up the foam and gave a relatively smooth outer layer.

Once sealed, I painted the entire skull with an off white acrylic paint, then sealed with sanding sealer.

When that was completely dry, I mixed powdered wood stain pigments with acrylic medium and painted the skull, then wiped off any excess.

Next, I returned to the original off white, but added in some brighter white to establish some depth and return to the bone color.

After this dried, I returned to the wood stain pigments, but added several darker colors into the mix to begin the antiquing.

Finally, a spatter coat of several more darker colors of the wood stain. I also blacked out the eye sockets and nasal cavity, darkened the
gumline, and reduced the overall sheen with sealer.

As you can see, I have been given an endorsement by the local houseflies.