Monday, July 8, 2013

And the winners are.....

The oracles at have spoken. The winners in my "Dog Days of Summer" contest are :
  1. Padrat86 has won the skull
  2. Cindy L Collins has won the pumpkin character head
  3. Beauregard Strange has won the Bottled creature
Please contact me via email  theshadowfarm (at) to claim your prize.

Thanks to everyone who entered for sharing your thoughts on Halloween. It was my great pleasure to read your comments and has served as inspiration to reignite my creativity.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Lantern Silhouettes

 Here's a project that is very easy and has alot of kick to it. Yesterday I was experimenting with some ink stamps and decided to try stamping the glass panels in a small lantern. As you can see, it worked really well!

  • Remove the glass panels from the lantern
  • Choose an appropriate ink stamp. You could use any design so let your imagination go wild.
  • Using a permanent ink, stamp the glass on the frosted side. If your lantern has clear glass, I'm not sure how well this would work since the frosted glass gives the ink a rough surface to stick to.
  • Let the ink dry completely
  • Re-install the glass panels with the frosted side facing inward.
  • Light it up and enjoy!
For an additional spooky effect, I would suggest painting the lantern with a faux rust effect. I'll talk more about that later.....