It has been a busy couple of weeks. Things have been pretty crazy lately at home, so my attention to the blog has certainly been lacking. Among the highlights: increased responsibilities at work due to some major changes, the search for a new (old) car, and a visit to the ER after my son cut the tip of his thumb off at work. .....Ah, life. So in the midst of it all, I have managed to complete a few new things anyway. New to the line-up this year will be a variety of embryos and fetus specimens. All are hand made with very little reference to any actual species, and will be custom fit to each jar to make them extra gruesome on display. A will give a shameless plug for myself now: I am preparing to add new items to my etsy store as I stock up for a few shows and conventions this year. I will be at Days of the Dead's Indianapolis convention in early July, and plan on attending Indy Hauntfest, the Irvington Halloween Fest, and a couple other shows that have not yet been booked. Shop my etsy store or come on out and see my stuff in person!
I'm liking the duck-guy :) Hope the thumb is OK.