Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Will

The will to live is an impressive force. Tucked into the back corner of Mary Bryan Cemetery in Southport, Indiana, this tree just doesn't know when quit. The seemingly dead stump has sprouted with new life in the form of a mass of twigs.

Being of dark mind, I imagine the twigs weaving together to form the resemblance of a human torso on a dark night as the wind howls. The air is charged with electricity. Thunder rolls as a violent storm approaches...the limbs reach up toward the sky as hailstones pelt the dead grass surrounding the stump. A bolt of lightning strikes the church in the distance, and in the momentary illumination I see a dark form stiffly trudging toward the top of the hill. A muddy hole is left behind where the tree once was held prisoner.


  1. THAT is a really awesome little thing, isn't it? All it needs is eyes.

  2. My cemetery needs something like this.
