We have sighted a second "Electric Goblin"...ready to frustrate you with the strings of lights that just won't seem to stay lit. Its going to be a bad year for lights, I am afraid. His friend on the left is the Goblin of the Sick Pet. All pet owners should know about this guy already. If not, read on:
You know when it will happen...the table has been set, the candles are lit,
and the company has been seated. All is quiet as you prepare to say grace. All
of a sudden a guttural heaving comes choking out from under the table as the cat
hacks up a gob of hair and tinsel.Yep, the Goblin of the Sick Pet has paid you a visit. Friend to the furry
beasts that we call pets, he coaxes them to consume odd shiny items, knowing
full well that it will ruin your festive gathering.Somebody get a napkin.
Both Goblins are available on Etsy with free shipping thru Nov 30th. Check out the store for more pix of these devious little guys.